Tuesday, July 21, 2009

sheer will power doesn't work...

romans 12:2 (nlt) ...let GOD transform you into a new person by changing the way you think...
if you want to be changed, start by changing the way you think.

psychologists found this out about 2000 years later. they discovered that the way that i think determines the way that i feel. the way that i feel determines the way that i act.

in a lot of behavior modification and people trying to change their life, they are trying to change the actions rather than going back to the root of the actions. there is no action without a thought behind it.

if you're acting depressed it's because you feel depressed. you feel depressed because you're thinking some depressing thoughts. the key is to start with the way that you think. you can't fight a feeling.

think of it this way. you set the speed boat on automatic pilot to go east. all of a sudden you say you want to turn the boat 180° around and go west. now there are two ways. one way is to grab the steering wheel and force it by sheer will power to the opposite way. even though the automatic pilot wants to go east you are forcing it west. the tension says goes east, but you are forcing it to go the opposite direction.

you are forcing yourself to go opposite to your own nature. the whole time you're holding the wheel you're getting tired because there is tension and soon you let go of the steering wheel and ... go off the diet, start smoking again, reading material you've been trying to stop reading ... or go back to that friend that is a negative influence or whatever it is. sheer will power doesn't work.

the bible says change starts in the mind – by changing the way you think, change the automatic pilot. if you change it, the direction changes easily.

what is your automatic pilot? finish this sentence: "it's just like me to be ... " that is the agenda you've set in your life.

one of the things you ought to start choosing to think about is GOD's word. JESUS said, thy word is truth. if you want to change start filling your mind with the scripture. psalm 1.1-3 (ms) how well GOD must like you...you thrill to GOD's word, you chew on scripture day and night... when we meditate on GOD's word it gets into our mind and changes us.

philippians 4.8 says think on these things and it tells you the kinds of things to think about. colossians 3.6 let the word of GOD dwell in you richly. psalm 1.19, thy word have i hid in my heart that i might not sin against GOD. joshua 1.8 the secret of success is meditate on GOD's word day and night and you'll be successful.

you begin by thinking GOD's word. if you're not having a daily quiet time you're not seeing much change in your life. or at least not as much as you could be seeing.

just a thought from the front porch...

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