Wednesday, July 22, 2009

if you are plugged in you have the power...

another thing we can do to help us become like CHRIST is to depend on GOD's SPIRIT moment by moment.

this is where the power comes in. look at this illustration JESUS gave in john 15.4-5 (ms), the same way that a branch can't bear grapes by itself but only by being joined to the vine, you can't bear fruit unless you are joined with ME. I am the vine, you are the branches. when you're joined with ME and I with you, the relation intimate and organic, the harvest is sure to be abundant.

a branch is totally dependent upon the vine. when it is cut off from that vine, it won't bear any grapes, or figs, or whatever. a branch cannot produce fruit by itself. it's got to be connected. and JESUS is saying that's the way we have to be with GOD. we have to be plugged in. GOD has the power. but it's not automatic. it's when you're plugged in, tuned in to GOD that the power comes through you.

fruit is an inside job. how would it be if i planted a old, dead tree. then two weeks before harvest i tie a bunch of apples to it. a lot of CHRISTians are trying to do this. they are trying to tie good works onto their life to look like they are making progress, when it's something they just picked up from the outside rather than let it flow through their life as they depend on GOD's SPIRIT. and that's a choice.

how do you know when you're depending on GOD's SPIRIT? check your prayer life. whatever you pray about you're depending on GOD for. whatever you don't pray about you're not depending on GOD for.

what does it mean to depend on GOD? it means to pray continually. your decisions, your feelings, your relationships, deadlines, purchases, everything. whatever you want GOD to bless, that's what you pray about.

you are aware that GOD is constantly with you. you practice HIS presence and have a running conversation with HIM. you whisper up a prayer to GOD no matter what you're doing. talk to GOD about anything and everything. that's what it means to depend on HIS SPIRIT.

just a thought from the front porch...

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