Saturday, July 4, 2009

what if our forefathers were cynics?...

i wonder where we would be if people in our past had lived with the attitude that nothing will ever change? for sure we wouldn't be celebrating independence day. we wouldn't be allowed to go to church tomorrow and worship the way we will. we wouldn't have all the freedoms that we take for granted.

this cynical attitude of there is nothing we can do that so many have about our economy and all that is happening around us will only keep us in the down times that we are in because we will not live with hope which leads to faith which brings us to be used by GOD to make a difference in our situations.

war is horrible. but it has been used to give us what we celebrate today. i am so glad that our forefathers lived with the hope that things can change and we can have a part in making those changes.

happy independence day!!!

just a thought from the front porch...

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