Tuesday, August 4, 2009

how do you get to know GOD in a personal way?...

never stop growing and developing your relationship with CHRIST. the moment you stop growing, you're going to lose your joy. so many CHRISTians stay too close to where they "got in" to the CHRISTian life. they haven't grown one bit since they made that initial decision. they don't have any joy.

how do you get to know GOD in a personal way?

it takes time to know anybody, to develop a relationship. it takes time to get to know GOD. you need to spend time alone with GOD to get to know HIM. set down with your bible, read it, pray, talking with GOD about your wants and needs, listening to tapes, spending time with GOD and letting HIM talk with you through HIS word.

you can't develop a relationship in a crowd. the only time many CHRISTians ever think about JESUS CHRIST is in a crowd, when they are with other CHRISTians. they need to develop the relationship on their own, one on one.

it takes talk. you must talk to GOD. pray.

relationships require communication. listen to HIM talk to you as you read his book, the bible. john 16.24 (niv), until now you have not asked for anything in MY name. ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete. much prayer, much joy in your life. little prayer, little joy. no prayer, no joy.

relationships are built on trust. GOD wants you to learn to trust HIM.

HE will allow all kinds of problems in your life so you can learn that HE is reliable all the time. GOD is reliable in every situation. HE can be counted on to be faithful. i didn't learn this overnight. that is learned from years of going through problems and seeing GOD pull me through it and work them out. you only learn this experiencially. as you go through problems you learn to trust GOD because you realize as HE pulls you through each one of them that is another area you can trust GOD.

paul says that his number one ambition in life is to know CHRIST at the end of his life. he's in jail in rome. he's getting ready to die. he knew CHRIST already, but he wanted to know HIM even better.

just a thought from the front porch...

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