Tuesday, August 4, 2009

can you personally trust HIM?...

do you have a relationship with GOD that means you can trust HIM?

we went through a time two years ago where we found out that margaret my wife had cancer. GOD has been there with us through the whole time. today we found out that margaret's sister has cancer and because of our continuing relationtionship with GOD we have a peace because we trust HIM.

what about you and your relationship with HIM? do you know HIM well enough to trust HIM in any situation that you may go through? of course i hope that you haven't had to go through anything like this but if you have and you have a personal relationship with GOD then you too know that HE can be trusted.

also, would you please pray for GOD's healing grace and sustaining grace for us? margaret and i will be leaving in the next few days to be there with mary, christa, rodney and tommy during this difficult time.

here is what JESUS said. john 16.23-24 (ms), this is what I want you to do: ask the FATHER for whatever is in keeping with the things I've revealed to you. ask in MY name, according to MY will, and HE'll most certainly give it to you. your joy will be a river overflowing its banks! and HE can be trusted!!!

just a thought from the front porch...

1 comment:

Doreen said...

Bill -- God can surely be trusted. I have found that while my own thoughts and words can ensnare me, He is always faithful. Jesus said that according to our faith, it will be done. I will most definitely be praying for all of you and for God's hand to enlarge faith and heal bodies.