Wednesday, August 5, 2009

i just wanted to say thank you for being there...

i want to say thank you to all of you who have responded to our call yesterday to pray. and i know that you did because of how GOD has answered your prayer in our lives. it's in these times when you don't have any control in the situations of life that being a follower of CHRIST shows that we haven't make a mistake in where we have put our trust. first in GOD and then in other believers.

i know that we in the church don't always come out looking good in all situations but we do in these times. when in our times of need we turn to those who don't follow CHRIST and they do all that they can but all that they can isn't enough. but we are connected to the one who is more than enough.

let me ask those of you who don't have a personal relationship with CHRIST, how do you do it, facing the insurmountable problems of life all alone? how do you do it? well i am so glad that i don't have to face them alone.

i like how paul says it here in philippians 3.12-14 (ms), i'm not saying that i have this all together, that i have it made. but i am well on my way, reaching out for CHRIST, who has so wondrously reached out for me. friends, don't get me wrong: by no means do i count myself an expert in all of this, but i've got my eye on the goal, where GOD is beckoning us onward—to JESUS.

again to those of our friends, thank you for being there in our time of need and without a doubt and i mean without a doubt thank you to GOD for being here with YOUR calming peace and for being out in front with YOUR amazing power.

again, i don't know how those of you make it without the hope that we have in our relationship with GOD.

...just a thought from the front porch...


Stewart Family said...

We've been praying for Mary. You guys are so special to us. We asked from God's special favor on you as you continue to live for and serve Him. Please pray for John -- he has been laid off from the coffee shop. Been actively searching for a job for 2 weeks. -Brenda

Bill Williams said...

thanks and for sure you are in our prayers.