Wednesday, September 23, 2009

are you stuck in your pain?...

we are looking at having a broken heart and happiness. now some people grow through their pain and some people get stuck in their pain. some people go on through their hurt and some get stuck in their hurt and never get past it. why? because they never release the hurt. they never let it go.

so how do I let it go? if that is what is keeping me from being happy then how? well, you must stop focusing on what's lost and start focusing on what's left.

isaiah 43.18 (ms), forget about what's happened; don't keep going over old history. be alert, be present. I'm about to do something brand-new. (says the LORD).

GOD says, your past is past; let it go! it can't hurt you any more.

some of you are letting people from your past continue to hurt you. that dumb! they can't hurt you unless you let them. that's a choice. let it go!

now one option to do with your hurt is to repress it. you push it down, swallow it.

but if you swallow your feeling your stomach keeps score. if you pretend it doesn't exist and hold it in – that's unhealthy. i meet walking wounded all of the time because they've never let go of their hurt. they keep repressing it.

let me ask you are you repressing a hurt from your past? you have tried to put it out of your mind put something is said or something happens and there it is again. there is a lot of sickness today that many people are dealing with that comes from repressed pain. just let it go.

just a thought from the front porch…

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