Thursday, September 24, 2009

do you let your pain consume you?...

there are so many people when they have been hurt go over and over it in their mind. they torture themselves by thinking about it over and over.

GOD says, don't let it consume your thoughts. there's a big difference between mourning and moaning.

mourning is legitimate grief. JESUS said, matthew 5.4 (niv), blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. GOD wants to comfort you in your grief, your heartache. but there's a difference between mourning and moaning.

moaning is "oh, poor me! poor me!" and you want to keep a hold of it. you're having a pity party.

GOD says don't rehearse it. and HE also says don't resent it.

when somebody has hurt us, when the pain is caused by somebody else, we fantasize about how we can get back at that person in the same way they got us or got somebody that we love.

so what do you do? you release the hurt to GOD. what does that mean?

romans 12.19 (lb), dear friends, never avenge yourselves. leave that to GOD, for HE has said HE will repay those who deserve it. and aren't you glad that verse is in the bible?

if you want to let go of your hurt, you must let GOD settle the score. if somebody's hurt you, let GOD handle it.

just a thought from the front porch…

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