Sunday, September 27, 2009

HIS comfort is your choice...

something else that GOD uses to comfort people when they have been hurt is HIS people.

we were not made to be isolated from each other. there is no such thing as a lone ranger CHRISTian. we need each other to make it. if you don't have any family HIS church is a family. that's what GOD meant the church to be. you need to be in a family.

2 corinthians 1.3-4 (niv), the GOD of all comfort comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort others with the comfort we ourselves have received from GOD.

if you're hurting today, you are not alone in your hurt. you think your problem is unique, that is not true. no matter what problem you have it is not unique.

hundreds, thousands, maybe millions of people over the history of humanity have had the very same problem you have right now. and in any church no matter the size there are many other people who have already gone through what you're going through right now.

for your own sake, you need to find a church family. don't just be a spectator; be a participator. meet some people so that when you go through the crises of life there are people there to help you.

GOD wants to comfort you in your time of pain but you have to avail yourself of HIS means of comfort. HIS church is one of those means.

just a thought from the front porch…

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