Thursday, October 22, 2009

do you want to know how to save time and money?..

nothing is worse than to feel like "i've got everything and i'm very self satisfied" and never understand that you're missing out on the greatest thing in life. what a tragedy that would be!

the fact is when you were born, GOD gave you a physical appetite to keep you alive. if you didn't have an appetite you'd just shrivel up and die. it's good to be hungry; hunger is a good part of life. it keeps you alive. HE gave you a physical appetite to fulfill physical needs.

HE also gave you a SPIRITual appetite to know HIM and only JESUS can satisfy that hunger. only JESUS can produce ultimate satisfaction in your life. sex can't. money can't. getting your picture on the cover of people magazine can't. having a nice home can't. having your kids get straight a's and be very proud of them can't. being famous, being powerful, having all the pleasures, taking club med vacations, none of those things produce ultimate satisfaction in your life. because it's a SPIRITual need.

there's a GOD-shaped vacuum in you and only GOD can fill it. the sooner you learn that the better because you'll save a lot of time and a lot of money.

notice the promise. HE says in matthew 5.6 (ph), happy are those who are hungry and thirsty for true goodness, for they will be truly satisfied.

GOD is saying "satisfaction guaranteed!" if GOD can't guarantee it, nobody can!

your hunger for happiness is met in knowing GOD and being known by HIM and in loving GOD and being loved by HIM and developing a relationship with HIM and finding out the purpose for which you were put on this earth. as you seek HIM, you find that happiness and that satisfaction. HE will not turn you down!

just a thought from the front porch…

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