Wednesday, October 21, 2009

what do you do when you're hungry?

john 6:35(niv), he who comes to ME will never go hungry... he who believes in ME will never be thirsty.

john 4:13 (ms), anyone who drinks the water I give will never thirst

three words come...believe... drink. and the point is that appetites are not filled until you do something about it. you can be hungry, your stomach growling... but you'll stay hungry until you take action. get up, get some food, put it in your mouth and swallow it.

JESUS is saying here, you've got to take action. just like physical hunger, when you're hungry, you go eat food, when you're spiritually hungry you need to do three things – come, believe, drink. that's how you find satisfaction in life. first you come to ME – you come to CHRIST. second, you believe in CHRIST. third, you drink of CHRIST. i receive HIM into my life.

some of you have never done this – never taken these steps. you've never come to CHRIST and believed in HIM. you've believed about HIM, but there's a difference in believing about GOD and believing in GOD. i believe in hitler but i'm not a nazi. but i believe in CHRIST and i'm a CHRISTian – because i've committed my life to HIM. it's more than just a head knowledge. i believe.

some of you have never done that. have you realized yet that something's missing in your life? something is dramatically missing in your life.

in spite of all the success, and the apparent outward satisfaction, inside there is this undercurrent you know is there saying "i'm missing it! i'm not really satisfied. at the deepest level of my soul, in my gut, i know that there's got to be more to life than just get up, go to work, come home, watch tv and go to bed. there's got to be more." and there is.

maybe you'd say, "in spite of the fact that life seems relatively good in light of the rest of the world, there's this gnawing dissatisfaction that even when i'm the winner, even when i'm number one, i'm dissatisfied on the inside. there is not a real peace and contentment in there."

if you say that, i want to say to you, "congratulations! because he's creating a hunger in your life to know HIM."

just a thought from the front porch…

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