Saturday, October 17, 2009

why does GOD want us hungry?...

we are looking at the 4th beatitude that JESUS gave us. matthew 5.6 (ms), you're blessed when you've worked up a good appetite for GOD. HE's food and drink in the best meal you'll ever eat.

so how do we work up a good appetite or hunger for GOD?

deuteronomy 8.3 (lb) GOD humbled you by letting you go hungry and then feeding you with manna... HE did it to help you realize that real life comes by obeying every command of GOD.

the children of israel . . . charlton heston led them across the red sea (!), over into the desert, they're wandering around for forty years. there are no taco bells in sinai. they got hungry and GOD provided manna.

notice it says, "GOD let them get hungry." HE let them get hungry so they would recognize their need for HIM, and depend on HIM. GOD lets you get hungry. GOD allows problems in your life to get your attention, to see that you really need HIM. HE uses a variety of circumstances.

the bible says, "happy are the hungry, those are the people GOD is trying to get their attention."

GOD uses problems to get your attention to say, "look! what you want is not pleasure, not possessions, not performance. it's ME. I made you with a GOD shaped vacuum and i want to meet that need." happy are the hungry! GOD's getting ready to do something in your life.

notice it says, "GOD humbled you." hungry people are humble people. a hungry man on the street doesn't care for linens and napkins. he just says, "give me food!"

hunger is painful but it motivates. if you've got a problem, congratulations! GOD wants you to recognize your real hunger is to know HIM.

just some thoughts from the front porch…

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