Thursday, October 15, 2009

what is your real hunger?

what is the secret for your satisfaction, your happiness?

psalm 37.4 (tev) says, seek your happiness in the LORD, and HE will give you your heart's desire.

don't seek happiness, seek GOD. happiness is a by-product of seeking GOD. if you make happiness your goal in life, you're going to miss it. you don't find it just looking for it. usually this is the last place we look. we look to everything else and then finally say, "well, i'll try GOD. maybe i'll find happiness there."

so how do you experience real satisfaction in life? you need to recognize your real hunger.

what is it that's missing in my life? what is it that's not there? a lot of people really don't know what they want in life.

the bible says we are spiritual beings and GOD made us to love HIM and to know HIM and be loved by HIM. nothing will take the place of that. there is no substitute.

you need to recognize what your real hunger is. your hunger is your spiritual being and you hunger for GOD. the sooner you recognize that, the better.

just a thought from the front porch…

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