Thursday, October 15, 2009

these places won't satisfy you...

another of the wrong place to find lasting satisfaction is in performance. workaholics eventually learn this.

ecclesiastes 2.23 (lb), what does a man get for all his hard work? days full of sorrow and grief, and restless nights.

ecclesiastes 2.21 (ms), what's the point of working your fingers to the bone if you hand over what you worked for to someone who never lifted a finger for it?

there is a myth that says, "success produces satisfaction." but that's just not true. many successful people are very unsatisfied on the inside. after the thrill of winning, winning a whole lot, there comes that emptiness that... something's not there.

ecclesiastes 4.8 (tev) says, man is always working, never satisfied.

another wrong place is possessions.

today there are more products available than ever before and they all say "satisfaction guaranteed". twice as many products as there were ten years ago. are people twice as happy? no. a lady said one time, "even when i get what i want, it's not what i want. i'm dissatisfied."

ecclesiastes 5.10 (lb), he who loves money shall never have enough. the foolishness of thinking that wealth brings happiness.

the poor people say, "when i get enough money, then all of my problems will be solved." the rich know that's not true. at least the poor have hope. the rich people know that the happiness is not there.

just a thought from the front porch…

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