Saturday, January 23, 2010

another way to test an impression...

does it agree with the bible and then another way to test an impression is to ask, does it make me more like CHRIST?

philippians 2.5 (ncv), in your lives you must think and act like CHRIST JESUS.

JESUS is the standard by which we measure everything we do. GOD says very clearly in the bible that his goal for your life is to make you like JESUS. not to be a GOD but to be GODly. to have character, to have love, joy, peace, patience, all the qualities that JESUS had – in your life, and HE would never tell you to do anything that contradicts or would hinder you from reaching that goal.

a practical application of what CHRIST-likeness is in james 3.14-17 (niv), if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition...such “wisdom” does not come down from heaven...but is of the devil...the wisdom that comes down from heaven is...pure, peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy...impartial and sincere.

these are filters that you can test the idea. GOD's wisdom is not selfish ambition. if you get an idea how to promote yourself in a better way or how to achieve instant fame, instant wealth, instant comfort, it's not from GOD. GOD doesn't give you ideas of self-promotion, self-serving, selfish ambition.

on the other hand, if the thought is pure then it's from GOD. if you get an impure thought that one obviously is not from GOD.

his wisdom is peace loving. ideas from GOD promote harmony rather than conflict. if you get an idea that's going to promote conflict it's probably not from GOD.

it's considerate. you have to think what would this idea do to other people? would it hurt them or harm them? would it build them up or tear them down? encourage them or discourage them? if an idea is genuinely from GOD, the bible says it's considerate. it's considerate of how other people think.

a lot of people say, "GOD told me to do this" and they bowl over everybody and don't care how it hurts anybody. because "GOD told them to do it." GOD didn't tell them to do something like that. the bible says GOD's wisdom is considerate. so you don't be dogmatic.

it's submissive. if you've really heard from GOD you're not going to be arrogant and bragging about it. some people think they've heard from GOD but their behavior shows they really haven't because they're self-righteous, egotistical and always putting everybody else down. "GOD told me this and therefore you're nothing."

GOD's wisdom is full of mercy. if you've really heard an idea from GOD it's going to cause you to be more gracious towards people rather than judgmental. if after i've heard from GOD, it makes me more judgmental and put you down and tells you what you're doing wrong and always criticizing you, you didn't hear from GOD.

that's not the way JESUS lived and JESUS is our model.

ask the question: does it make me more like CHRIST? would JESUS do this?

just a thought from the front porch…

1 comment:

Rick said...

Wow, What a way to tell it like it is. Full of truth. Very few of us actually are able to live like Jesus, I'm afraid, because our human nature gets in the way so often. Great article.