Tuesday, January 26, 2010

how has GOD designed you?...

another test to determine if an impression is from GOD is to ask if it is consistent with how GOD has created me?

ephesians 210 (nlt), for we are GOD's masterpiece. HE has created us anew in CHRIST JESUS, so that we can do the good things HE planned for us long ago.

before you were born GOD planned your life. and HE created, designed you specifically for that purpose.

example: a chair is designed in a certain way. it has a back, a seat – the design was made to fulfill a purpose. the purpose of a chair is to sit in. a microphone has a very different design. it fulfills a different purpose. chairs were designed to sit on. you weren't designed to sit on a microphone. you speak through microphones, you sit on chairs. not vice versa.

and that design reveals the good things HE planned for us long ago. GOD has created you for a career, a ministry for life involving your spiritual gifts, your passions, desires – some things turn you on, some things you could care less about; some things you love to do, some things you hate to do; some things you're interested in and some things you're bored to tears with.

HE's given you capabilities. you may be good with words. you may be good with numbers. you may be good with animals. you may be good with people. you may be good with mechanical things.

then HE has given you a personality. you may be extroverted or introverted. you may like routine or you may like variety. you may like to work all by yourself or you might like to work in a team

and then is your experiences – vocational experiences and spiritual experiences and educational experiences and painful experiences.

this is important for you to see, GOD says you can discover a lot about HIS will in your life by just looking at what you're good at. romans 12.6 (niv), GOD has given each of us the ability to do certain things well.

and GOD's will for your life will never contradict how HE basically designed you. if you ever sense a leading in your life that is contrary to your basic makeup, your personality, your experiences, ignore it. it's not from GOD.

just a thought from the front porch…

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