Wednesday, January 27, 2010

is it about me?

when i'm trying to figure out whether an idea, an impression is from GOD or not, i need to ask am i responsible? if it's not your responsibility, then why in the world would GOD talk to you about it?

in john 21, JESUS is talking to peter and HE tells him how he's going to die. HE explains that he's going to have to suffer for being a CHRISTian. peter, very inquisitively, turns around and points to john the apostle and says, "what about that guy? how's he going to die?" JESUS said in his own way, "it's none of your business. don't worry about it."

so if GOD is going to speak to you, you need to ask, "is HE really talking to me or is HE talking about somebody else? if it's somebody else, does it concern my responsibility?"

now when you listen for GOD to speak to you, you need to listen for GOD to speak to you, not your son or your daughter or your husband or your wife. you need to say, "what is GOD's will for me?"

romans 14:10 & 12 (ph), we will all be judged one day, not by each other's standards, or even our own, but by the judgment of is to GOD alone that we shall have to answer for our actions.

listen for yourself, not for somebody else. and you need to be very careful when you think GOD has told you about something, somebody else should do. it's very dangerous. a lot of well meaning CHRISTians, well intentioned but also presumptuous, have caused enormous amounts of damage because they thought GOD was talking to them about what somebody else should do.

for instance, GOD told me to tell you that you're going to get well. GOD told me you're going to get a job. GOD told me that you're suppose to invest all your money with me. GOD told me your secret stuff.

now why would GOD tell you my secret stuff? i know my secret stuff, GOD knows my secret stuff. that is more than enough.

just a thought from the front porch…

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