Friday, January 22, 2010

just test it...

john 4.1 (lb) says, don't always believe everything you hear just because someone says it is a message from GOD; test it first to see if it really is. it says, we are to test it.

so i want to give you seven ways to test an impression if it's really GOD talking to you or not. they form a filter and they're all inter related. you can't pick and choose. if an impression does not pass all seven of these tests you know it's not from GOD. you can disqualify it.

on the other hand if you apply all seven of these tests to an idea or impression that you've got and it passes all seven, you can know with absolute certainty you've heard from GOD.

here is the first one, does it agree with the bible?

GOD never contradicts HIS written word. luke 21.33 (ncv), heaven and earth will pass away but my words will never pass away.

GOD will never tell you to violate anything in his book. never. HE doesn't say one thing one time, and another thing another time. GOD is consistent and we always get into trouble when we doubt GOD's word, when we don't listen to what it says.

listen. most of GOD's will for your life is already right there in the bible. you don't even have to pray about it. just do what it says.

some ask, "do you pray about getting up in the morning and going to church?" no i don't. i just get up. i don't pray about tithing. i do it. i don't pray about telling other people the good news, i just do it because it's right here in GOD's word.

if you don't build your life on the bible, you're going to miss GOD's will much of the time.

so the first step is to check it out. it's better to memorize it, then GOD can bring those verses to mind.

just a thought from the front porch…


Unknown said...

What great words of advice. Common sense is written all over your blog and it is very refreshing to read.

Faith is vital but so is your own understanding of what you have faith in !

Bill Williams said...

very true, dororthy. it is a personal relationship, a personal fail.