Sunday, January 17, 2010

what is going to last?...

1 corinthians 2.13 (nlt), when we tell you this, we do not use words of human wisdom. we speak words given to us by the SPIRIT, using the SPIRIT's words to explain SPIRITual truths.

when gifted teachers teach, they're actually talking words of GOD, what GOD wants to say to us. the more teaching you hear, the more GOD can talk to you. that's why once a week isn't enough. you need regular impute from gifted teachers in your life more than just once a week.

what if you fasted six days a week and then on the seventh day you pig out? you'd have a great case of indigestion. some of you have SPIRITual indigestion. the only bible you ever get is for 30 minutes on sunday morning, the rest of the week you have no more teaching in your life.

that's why you need to get into a small group bible study. there are some good radio teachers that you can listen to and you can listen to cd’s. go to the CHRISTian book store and buy some cd’s.

a lot of CHRISTians get into their car, turn the radio on and get all of the news. the problem with america is we know everything about the last 24 hours, we know nothing about our history and we know nothing about our future.

some people know more about what is happening in washington d. c. than what is happening in their son's or daughter's or husband's or wife's life and that is tragic. but more tragic is the fact that some people know all about what has happened in the last 24 hours but don't know the universal principles that GOD has laid down that will help them cope with tomorrow.

so you make a choice. am i going to be at a bible study or am i going to watch television? am i going to listen to a cd or am i going to listen to the radio? what is going to last over the long haul? GOD speaks through gifted teachers.

just a thought from the front porch…


Anonymous said...

..and you are a gifted teacher!

Bill Williams said...

thank you akira.