Friday, February 5, 2010

there are benefits to connecting with GOD...

GOD wants to connect with you and there are great benefits if you do.

one is in our need for guidance. you might be saying, "should i marry this person? should i change jobs? how do i deal with my children in this circumstance? should i make this investment or not? should we move to another house?" GOD wants to deal with you on those issues.

now it is important to see that there are some prerequisites though on how to make a request of GOD. one is you must realize that GOD cares about the details of you life. do you realize that or do you believe HE is too big to care? if that is what you think, then HE can’t guide you because you won’t ask.

but look at this. matthew 6.31-32 (niv) says, so do not worry, saying, ''what shall we eat...drink...or wear?''...your heavenly FATHER knows that you need them.

that's an amazing verse because it says GOD's concerned about what i wear. GOD is concerned about what i drink. GOD is concerned about what i eat. every detail in my life.

GOD is more interested in the details of your life than you are because HE made you and until you understand that you won't come asking him questions about the details of your life because you'll say, "i don't want to bother GOD." but HE's interested because HE's your heavenly FATHER and HE made you. HE's far more interested in you than you think HE is.

also when you're looking for advice from GOD ask a specific question.

instead of saying, "GOD do you want to say anything?" say, "GOD, what do you think about...?" "what's the next step? what should i do here? how should i do it?"

over twenty times in the new testament, GOD says, ask. HE says, ask the scripture says in james 1.5 (lb), if you want to know what GOD wants you to do, ask HIM, and HE will gladly tell you.

GOD wants you to ask for advice. HE's waiting and willing. HE wants you to ask for advice about your relationships, about your career, about your health, about your finances. HE's eager and wanting to talk to you. so you ask and believe HE's interested in the details.

just a thought from the front porch…

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