Sunday, May 30, 2010

why don’t i get everything i want when i pray?

the things that are beyond my control are not beyond GOD's control. isn't that good news? some of you say, “my kids are out of my control!” they're not out of GOD's control. “my health is out of control! i can't do anything about it.” it's not out of GOD's control. “my finances are falling apart. it's hopeless!” they're not out of GOD's control.

there is nothing beyond GOD's control. that means that in my present situation that i don't have any control – the job that i can't control the decisions that are handed down from the hierarchy. i feel like a pawn in the middle of my job. i cannot control that situation. pray about it. GOD can control it. that is the power of prayer.

some of you are thinking, “since GOD is in control and HE can do anything and He's told me to pray, so why don't i get everything i ask for?" many reasons:

1. GOD is not a genie. do you realize what a mess our world would be in if GOD answered every single prayer of every person? prayer would become a weapon. like the midas touch. it would ruin everybody. or you would become full or pride. you'd become a show off! change the colors on the american flag... like a magician. if GOD answered every prayer it would ruin us because we don't know how to handle that kind of power.

2. often times there are competing prayers. CHRISTians pray in conflict. two CHRISTians at the mets' game. one prays for the mets to win another prays for the dodgers to win. obviously GOD can't answer both of those prayers. one person prays for it to rain, another prays that it will be a sunny day. there's a conflict.

it's kind of like the pastor who was walking through the woods and a bear came up and attacked him. the bear had him in his grasp ready to tear him apart. the pastor prayed, “dear GOD, please make this bear a CHRISTian.” all of a sudden the bear let go of him, looked to heaven, crossed his paws and said, “bless this food to the nourishment of our bodies.” that's a conflicting prayer!

because we don't have total knowledge we often pray by mistake. we don't pray the right thing. we pray with a limited view. the bottom line of why GOD doesn't answer all requests is that GOD knows what's best. HE's no machine that just doles out what you ask for. HE is a good GOD and gives you what's best.

you say, “but i don't understand how this situation could be the best!” i don't either but i'm not GOD and neither are you. but we need to be able to say, “the LORD gives and the LORD takes away. blessed be the name of the LORD.” i don't understand but someday i will understand why those situations occur.

just a thought from the front porch…

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