Saturday, May 29, 2010

your prayers can make a difference…

there was a newscaster who was on a talk show being interviewed. he and his wife are CHRISTians and they had had a premature baby. for four months after the baby was born there was a 200-1 chance that it would live. four months it hung on in an incubator. every day they thought, “is it going to die today or will it live?” he was asked, “how in the world did you handle that four months of stress not knowing from day to day if your daughter would make it?” he said, “we just kept saying to ourselves over and over, ‘GOD is in control. blessed be the name of the LORD.’”

HE gives and HE takes away and it's HIS right. HE's a good GOD. everything you have you owe to GOD. you wouldn't even be alive if GOD hadn't designed it. GOD is in control.

your problems have a purpose. and your plans have a limit. what about your prayers? because GOD is in control my prayers have an impact, they make a different.

have you ever prayed and felt you were just blowing off steam. your prayer was just bouncing off the ceiling? if GOD hears me will HE ever answer? and the devil whispers in your ear, “what a waste. who do you think you're kidding? prayer is a bunch of mumbo-jumbo. futile! worthless! unproductive! unprofitable! in vain! irrelevant! what are you doing wasting your time praying?”

because HE is sovereign then we can pray and it does make an impact. that's the basis of every miracle. GOD is in charge of everything so HE can change things. HE can overrule nature and HE can heal somebody. HE can make time last longer or make it rain or not make it rain, split the red sea, turn water into wine. HE can do anything HE wants to do.

ephesians 3.20 (lb), GOD is able to do far more than we would ever dare to ask or even dream of, infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, or hopes.

you can pray the greatest prayer request you can ever imagine and GOD says, “I can top that!” nothing is too hard, too big, because HE is sovereign. HE's in control. GOD says, “think of the wildest dream you can think of. that's nothing! I can go beyond that!” HIS resources are available.

listen, prayer can do whatever GOD can do. why don't we then take more advantage of it?

over twenty times in the new testament, the bible says, ask. ask, seek, knock. GOD says, “I want you to ask. I'm in charge. I'm in control. ask and I'll show you great and mighty things that you don't know. let ME blow your mind!” prayer does have an impact.

just a thought from the front porch…

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