Thursday, June 3, 2010

i don’t want to be a fanatic…

another reason people don’t want to get to know GOD is they are afraid they'll become a fanatic.

often well meaning and misguided people tend to cause us to avoid GOD because of their fanaticism. here i would like you to meet four of them: (i wrote down some names of religious fanatics i've met):

freddy the pharisee. rigid, narrow minded, legalistic. he has a rule for everything. his favorite word is “don't”. some think, “will i become like that if i become a CHRISTian?”

susie self-righteous. holier than thou attitude, judgmental of others. her favorite phrase is “thank GOD i'm not like you!” am i going to become like that if i become a CHRISTian, if i get to know GOD?

billy bible-thumper. obnoxious, overzealous crusader. if it's alive he'll convert it. his favorite phrase: “turn or burn!”

pauline praise-alluia. she can't speak without religious cliches. everything is a miracle or the devil did it. her favorite phrase – she's got dozens of them: “believe... receive... praise the LORD... hallelujah...” am i going to become like that if i become a CHRISTian? put my brain on the shelf and become a kook?

the fact is john 10.10 (tev), i have come in order that you might have life – [not religion] life in all its fullness.

JESUS' harshest criticism went to religious fanatics. read matthew 23. HE couldn't stand them! HE said, “you guys are whited sepulchers. you strain at a gnat and swallow a camel.” GOD doesn't want to make you some fanatic.

just a thought from the front porch…

1 comment:

Angelia Sims said...


very wise words. Great descriptions. I wasn't a Christian for a long time because of a few of these types.