Friday, July 9, 2010

it’s all about trust…

the bible says in ecclesiastes 6.9 (tev), it’s better to be satisfied with what you have than always to be wanting something else. i already have more than i deserve.

envy is not having a desire or a dream or a goal. it’s important to understand that. that’s not envy! envy’s not wanting something, looking forward to something or hoping that something can happen in your life. no, envy is instead resenting somebody who already has what you desire or dream or goal. it says, i can’t be happy until i get that desire or dream or goal. envy is not being grateful for what you already have.

another antidote to envy is to trust GOD when life seems unfair. when it looks like GOD’s blessing somebody in a way that HE’s not blessing you, you need to relax and trust GOD. you need to believe that HE knows what’s going on. HE knows what’s best. even when you can’t see it, you need to trust HIM when life seems unfair.

one of the signs of envy is the language you use. if you find yourself starting to use the phrase “it’s not fair,” you’ve already fallen into the trap of envy. “it’s not fair! why them? why not me? i’ve worked as hard as they do. i’m a committed CHRISTian.” then you start getting into legalism. “maybe if i just worked more, then maybe GOD would bless me more. maybe if i just went to church more, GOD would bless me more.” no, that’s not it at all.

you need to trust GOD that HE knows exactly what each individual life needs. HE knows the hurt and HE knows the pain and HE knows the blessing that each life can handle. and you need to trust GOD in that.

now in this story JESUS told in matthew 20 of the vineyard workers, they felt that they were being treated unfairly. not because they weren’t paid what they were promised. they were. they got exactly what they were promised. but that other people were paid the same amount when they thought, “we’re better”.

notice verse 12 (msg), these last workers have put in only one easy hour and yet you have made them equal to us. you can hear the envy in that. we’re better than them. we who slaved all day under a scorching sun.

notice the owner’s replay in verses 13-15a (cev). and, by the way, the owner represents GOD in this story. friends, I didn't cheat you. I paid you exactly what we agreed on ... what business is it of yours if I want to pay them the same that I paid you? don't I have the right to do whatever I want to do with my own money?

the bottom line on envy is this. when you’re envious, you’re in a battle with GOD. your problem really isn’t with the person you envy. your problem at a deeper level is with GOD. you resent GOD’s decision to bless somebody else. you accuse HIM of being unfair. when you are envious, your problem really is with GOD. you think GOD loves somebody else more than HE loves you, that GOD is playing favorites. you accuse HIM of that. you start building an entire case against GOD. you don’t trust HIM.

just a thought from the front porch…

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