Saturday, September 18, 2010

failure isn’t fatal…

another thing to do when you fail is to realize it’s not fatal. failure isn’t fatal.

we over exaggerate the effects of failure. we blow it out of proportion. it’s not the end of the world. it’s not going to kill you. you’re not going to die from it.

the fear of failure is far more damaging to your life than failure is. with failure – you fail, you pick yourself up and you go on. the fear of failure – you can let that haunt you for years and years. the fear of failure is actually worse than failure in what it does to your life.

studies show that the more talented you are, the more you tend to fear failure. you’ve got a lot to loose.

have you ever known the answer to a question but you were afraid to raise your hand because you might not be right? proverbs 24.16 (tev), no matter how often an honest man falls, he always gets up again. i like this verse because it says even good guys make mistakes, even the righteous stumble.

everybody falls. we all have belly flops in our lives. the difference between successful people and unsuccessful people is not that successful people never fail. they do. they fail as much if not more than failures. what is the difference between a failure and a success in life?

successful people simply get up and keep on going. successful people simple don’t quit when they blow it. successful people are persistent, determined, diligent. they have endurance. successful people keep on going after they’ve fallen. they learn from those failures. a righteous man falls but he rises again. an oak tree is simply a little nut that refused to give its ground. how do you get to be a success in life? outlast your critics. keep on plowing.

and paul understood this. 2 corinthians 4.8-9 (niv), we’re hard pressed on every side but we’re not crushed. we’re perplexed but not in despair. we’re persecuted but we’re not abandoned. we’re struck down but we’re not destroyed. phillips paraphrase says, like a boxer, i’m knocked down but i’m not knocked out.

everybody fails. but it’s not failure. successful people simply get up again and keep on going. successful people are simply ordinary people with an extra ordinary amount of determination. they keep going.

you’re never a failure until you quit. you’re never a failure until you give up and as long as you keep trying you’re not a failure.

just a thought from the front porch…

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