Friday, September 17, 2010

you are not the only one…

so what do you do when you fail? well for one remember that everybody fails.

you made mistakes? welcome to the human race. it just means you’re alive. the bible says in james 3.2 (niv), we all stumble in many ways. we’re all living proof of this verse. people often say, “i want to do this, but what if i fail?” i want to say, “what do you mean, `if’?” failure is a part of life. failure is the pathway to success. you’re going to fail. the bible tells us, we all stumble in many ways.

let’s review the facts of life:
1. you have failed many, many times in your life already.
2. right now you are failing in some areas of your life.
3. you’re going to fail many, many times in the future.

ecclesiastes 7.20 (tev), there is no one on earth who does what is right all the time and never makes a mistake. nobody’s perfect. the closest you’re ever going to get to perfection is in a job interview. when you’re describing yourself, or handing them your resume about yourself, that’s the best you’re ever going to be.

even the superstars fail. in nba basketball, players miss, on the average, 50% of their shots. in professional baseball, an outstanding batting average is 300 which means seven out of ten times when you get up to bat, you walk back to the dugout. you strike out more than you get on base. those are the superstars. those are the ones who get paid the multi-million dollar contracts. everybody fails.

romans 3.23 (nlt) says, for everyone has sinned; we all fall short of GOD’s glorious standard. when you let go of the image of being perfect, the fear of failure will lose its grip on your life. the bible tells us that everybody fails.

just a thought from bill’s front porch…

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