Sunday, October 24, 2010

but HE did it…

genesis 1.1 (niv), seems like such a simple verse, in the beginning GOD created the heavens and the earth, but if this verse were a battlefield, there would be many monuments and many graves erected on this one verse.

there’s a big deal, a big controversy around this one verse. creation and evolution: who did it? when was it done? how was it done? – incredible questions, incredible battles fought over this one verse. a lot of times we’re in the trenches with this battle, lobbying scientific truths and what’s important. so why this is so important. why is this important to believers?

for one because of the importance of a personal GOD.

forget all the science, all the arguments. the biggest problem of the theory of evolution is that it depersonalizes GOD. it makes GOD step back from his creation that HE set in motion by a series of events that eventually led to you being created and animals being created – life being created. that’s very different then in the beginning GOD spoke and this happened. GOD spoke and we existed. GOD spoke and plants existed. see how different that is?

even science has struggled with the theory of evolution because they realize that it’s just theory. what i want to say to you and what we need to teach to our kids is don’t let an unproven theory keep you from seeing the hand of a personal GOD at work in creation, at work in my life, at work in your life. that’s why this is a battleground. that’s why this is so important because HE is a personal GOD.

austin clark in the quarterly review of biology said this “as far as it concerns the major groups of animals, the creationists seem to have the better argument. there’s not the slightest evidence that any of the major groups ever arose from any other.” he’s one of many scientists that believe evolution is a theory that people are still working on. it’s still developing. they’re still trying to figure it out.

have you noticed that the more the theory of evolution develops, the closer it seems to be getting in some camps to what the bible actually says? what’s the big bang theory all about anyway? it happened all of a sudden. it happened all at once. there’s a lot of explanations for that that are scientific. but when it comes down to it, you and i believe it happened all at once. but it wasn’t energy, it was the word – GOD’s word immediately spoken.

just a thought from the front porch…

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