Saturday, October 23, 2010

GOD uses nature to teach us…

genesis 1.1 (niv), in the beginning, GOD created the heavens and the earth.

nature and revelation – both are useful when it comes to learning what GOD wants us to do. and nature and revelation are not contradictory; they’re complementary. they complete each other in a lot of ways. they’re not two separate sources.

the same GOD made both of them. HE built into what HE made examples to teach us. GOD wanted to teach us the value of working hard. there’s several proverbs about that. so HE made an ant, the tinniest little thing you can see and look what an ant can accomplish if it works hard –back and forth, back and forth. they never get tired. and they’re there the next day. there’s something about that that teaches us the value of industriousness.

GOD knew that someday HE would want to teach us about dependence, about what it means to depend on GOD. so HE made a sheep. HE knew HE was going to use the sheep HE was creating to teach you and i about depending on HIM. the sheep is totally dependant and it’s pretty dumb. HE uses the sheep to teach people how they need to depend on HIM. i’ve got to believe that when GOD made the sheep HE had to laugh. can’t you just see the joy in HIS heart when HE realized it would be perfect? HE made it so when it falls over it can’t get up without help. it will be a perfect object lesson to them about who HE is.

one of the greatest expressions though to us about who GOD is, is light. have you ever seen a lunar eclipse, where the light is cut off? couldn’t GOD have made the heavens and the earth so there would never be an eclipse? yes, HE could have made it that way but HE didn’t. why?

when you see the light cut off it fascinates people. what an object lesson to us of the fact that we need GOD’s light in our lives. what an object lesson that sometimes the earth (in a lunar eclipse) comes between the source of light and the reflected light. sometimes we let that happen, we let earthly things come between the source of light, GOD, and the reflected light that HE wants to shine in our lives through JESUS CHRIST. it’s built into creation. HE built into creation examples to us of who HE is and what HE wants to do.

just a thought from the front porch…

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