Wednesday, October 27, 2010

an expression of the creative mind of GOD…

it’s interesting to me as you look through the first chapter of genesis how exciting the truths are. how simple but exciting.

for one GOD’s word started each and every day. genesis 1.3, 6, 9, 14, 20, 24, 26 (niv). …. and GOD said. that’s how each day started.

it’s one of the most striking things in the first chapter of genesis. is this a poetic way of saying through some unknown process that GOD set the wheels in motion and eventually certain things would come out of that process? no. GOD spoke and things existed. that’s the power of GOD. that’s the creativity of GOD. if you miss that you miss the essential truth in the book of genesis. GOD said it and it happened.

everything was created out of nothing. that’s hard for me to envision. for me, creativity is trying to rearrange something. we take a lump of clay and rearrange it into a pot but the clay was already there. we rearranged something. for GOD, creativity is speaking something into existence. it wasn’t there. nothing was there and then it was there.

everything you see in creation is an expression of the creative mind of GOD. it’s not just wonderful science. it’s not just an interesting fact. it’s an expression to you and i of the creative mind and power of GOD.

imagine GOD says, “land” and there’s land! GOD says, “water, ocean” and they’re there, separated from the land. GOD says, “tiger,” and there’s a tiger. it’s incredible. GOD spoke a word “whale”, “flower”, “rose”, “red”, “yellow” and they came into existence. everything’s an expression of the creative mind of GOD and everything is an example of the supernatural power of GOD.

is what i'm talking about scientifically impossible? to speak and it exists? yes, it is! but it’s supernaturally powerful. science studies how creation works and does a pretty good job of it a lot of times. but it does not follow that a study of how things work right now will always tell you how it came into existence.

if i held up an orange in front of you and you’d never seen an orange tree and said, “what does this grow on?” would you know? you could guess – a tree, a bush. if i asked you what okra grew on, would you know? an okra tree? an okra vine? what do they grow on? (they’re actually a little plant.)

we live in a scientific age. there’s a lot of benefits to our scientific age. but don’t let anyone, anything, steal from you the awe that you and i need to have in GOD’s creation. it is sad when we become so sophisticated that we can’t say, “wow! look at what GOD’s done!”

just a thought from the front porch…

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