Thursday, October 28, 2010

everything that HE made is good…

an exciting truth here in genesis chapter one is that GOD was joyful at the end of each day of creation.

the words it was good, genesis 1.4, 10, 12, 18, 21, 25, 31 (nkjv), impacts our purpose in powerful ways still today. when GOD looks at HIS creation and says, “good!” that means something. that means material things aren’t evil in and of themselves.

there’s some people that believe that way. just because it’s material, because it’s money, because it’s a house, because it’s a car, because it’s a church building, or just because it’s a human body, just because it’s material it has to be evil. that powerfully impacts you and your purpose.

if you believed that deep down, you end up one of two ways. you end up as a puritan or a playboy. if you think everything around you is evil, you think, “i can’t touch anything because it’s all evil. i’ve got to become a monk and go up in the mountains somewhere. i’ve got to get away from everything.” or you think, “i'm living in an evil world. i'm already corrupted. so why not? i may as well go and do everything i want to do.”

but if i begin to see that everything GOD made is good and useful for his purposes, instead of saying, “i want to stay away from these things,” we start to think, i want to use these things for the good that HE created them for. has evil come into this world? yes. are there evil things in this world? yes. but everything that GOD created is good and i want to use it for HIS glory.

another truth is, GOD rejoices in what HE made. HE gets to the end of each day and takes a minute to step back and look at what HIS word created. HE rejoices in what HE made.

i know some believers who feel they can’t enjoy anything until they get to heaven. they go around with a spiritual frown on their face and don’t enjoy anything. listen, don’t wait until you get to heaven. start practicing now telling GOD how grateful you are, and telling GOD what good things HE’s done in your life.

just a thought from the front porch…


Jeremy Janson said...

What about the devil? I'm going to play devils advocate here (pardon the pun.)

Bill Williams said...

HE created him and at one point he was good. just a little lower than GOD and then he made a choice.