Friday, October 29, 2010

HE had/has a plan…

look at this here in genesis one. it’s striking. day 1, day 2, day 3… if GOD had wanted to HE could have snapped HIS fingers and everything would have come into existence all at once? but HE decided not to do it that way. HE decided first to do “this” and then to do “this” and so on.

light and darkness was on day 1 and the sun, moon and stars on day 4, so one of the questions people have always had about genesis is what kind of light was created on the first day. it wasn’t the sun, moon, and stars, was it? it was a different kind of light. what kind of light was it? i don’t know! i wasn’t there! but it was a light!

scientifically, those of you who know more about this than i do could talk about the physics of light and how in incredible ways we’re learning things about black holes and all those kinds of things that help us to understand that GOD could have created some kind of light that coalesced into the sun, the moon and the stars. HE set time up in incredible ways to do this.

day 2 the atmosphere, the firmament was created. day 3 the land, the seas were separated the plants, the trees. day 4 the sun, moon and stars which created not only light but also seasons and days and years. sea creatures and birds on day 5. land animals and mankind on day 6. on day 7 creation was completed and GOD rested.

here you have GOD’s to do list and HE spoke and it came into existence. light, sky, water, vegetation were done in order. plants “according to their kind” – that means all the families and kinds. those are all GOD-created. it’s incredible how organized GOD’s creation is. we can see it as we look at it.

definition of creation: an orderly unfolding of the mind and the purposes of GOD.

when we talk about a plan for your life, you and i can see in creation the purposes of GOD at work in the world today. there is order, there is progression. swordfish after oceans. eucalyptus trees before koala bears because they would have gotten hungry. but GOD made the trees first and then put koala bears in the trees so they could eat. the order of GOD’s creation literally shouts.

when we look at the seasons and orders and families and all that he did, it shouts! there’s a plan here. watch the plan how it fits in perfect order. look at the salmon, how GOD put an instinct in it to go up that river at all costs so that the species could survive. study a beehive. look at how just by instinct the bees work in perfect order. look at how cells divide. delve into the properties of light. there is a plan here. GOD is shouting it in every part of HIS creation. if there’s a plan in a beehive, don’t you think there’s a plan for your life? of course there is. and GOD has made sure that we know that.

jeremiah 29.11 (niv), I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope, plans to give you a future.

if you haven’t memorized that verse, my challenge to you is to memorize that verse. i can’t think of a better verse to remind me of the fact that the GOD who has a plan for all of creation, one of the reasons HE has a plan is because HE has a plan for my life.

just a thought from the front porch…

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