Saturday, October 30, 2010

why did HE stop working?...

genesis 2.2-3 (niv), by the seventh day GOD had finished the work HE had been doing; so on the seventh day HE rested from all his work. and GOD blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it HE rested from all the work of creating that HE had done.

so why did GOD rest on the seventh day? did HE have to rest? was HE tired? no, GOD doesn’t get tired. HE wasn’t tired but HE rested.

for one HE rested because HE was finished. hebrews 4.3 (ncv), GOD’s word was finished when HE made the world.

you and i, GOD’s creation, are not works in progress. this universe is a finished work of creation marred by the presence of sin. but it’s finished and it would have been perfect if sin hadn’t come in.

does that fact create a difference in the way we look at his world?

yes. you and i, HIS creation, are not like a framed house that needs someone to come in who has the intelligence to finish it. we’re like a beautiful mansion with some need of some restoration.

so when we look at what GOD made, when we look at ourselves, we think, “maybe it will get better someday.” the truth is, it already was better. GOD made it perfect. do you want purpose? don’t try to do better, building out of the materials of your own life. that’s a dead end. it might work for a few weeks, a few months, maybe even a few years. but it’s a dead end. because you and i don’t have the materials to build true, lasting purpose. if you want purpose, ask for GOD’s restoring love to be set free in your life. there’s something really freeing about that when you recognize it’s not all up to me. GOD wants to restore me to the person HE wants me to be.

just a thought from the front porch…

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