Monday, November 1, 2010

we are at the center of it all…

GOD rested on the seventh day because HE had a plan for your life and my life.

hebrews 4.9-11 (niv), there remains then a sabbath rest for the people of GOD. [this is one of those deep truths of the bible that we don’t come across often enough.] for anyone who enters into GOD’s rest also rests from his own work just as GOD did from his. let us therefore make every effort to enter that rest.

listen as long as i'm depending upon my work, the things that i do to get me to heaven, there’s no way i'm going to make it. i can work as hard as i want, there’s no way. but when i rest from my work and i enter into GOD’s rest – faith in JESUS CHRIST – guess what? that’s the key! that’s what brings me to HIM. so the sabbath day was also a picture of what JESUS CHRIST was going to do for us not only now but through all eternity. that’s why GOD rested.

the truths of the first chapter of genesis are ultimate but they’re also personal, they’re also individual.

now we also see that you and i are at the center of the entire creative process.

someone might say, “isn’t that prideful to say that we are at the center?” we’ve got people saying we live in the milky way galaxy out on some far corner in fact, most of the universe probably doesn’t even know about us. that’s a bad image of who we really are in GOD’s sight.

but when you look at genesis 1 and 2 it’s not prideful to say we’re at the center of creation. it’s biblical. if you look real closely at the bible you’ll find that nothing else in creation so much reflects GOD’s glory as you and i, so much affects GOD’s creation as you and i. that’s how important we are in creation.

just a thought from the front porch…

1 comment:

xpire said...

Hi bill...
Haven Nice day..