Tuesday, November 2, 2010

made in HIS image…

beginning in genesis 1.26 there’s some simple verses on how you and i reflect GOD’s glory and make a difference in this world. (niv), GOD said, “let US make man.” those first couple words gets you. let US. let US make man. many of you have a question about that. let US make man in OUR image.

in the first chapter of the bible we get a glimpse into the trinity – the FATHER, the SON and the HOLY SPIRIT were all involved in GOD’s creation. the FATHER GOD is obviously involved. HE’s all through it. it tells us at the beginning of the book of genesis that the SPIRIT of GOD was moving over the waters, the surface of the earth. the new testament tells us in colossians and other places that JESUS was the creative force, the power that GOD used to create this world. they were all a part of creation. so when you and i worship JESUS as our SAVIOR, we’re also worshiping our creator. we realize the HOLY SPIRIT has come into our lives to fill us and empower us day by day is the same SPIRIT that created us, created this world.

let US make man in OUR image. GOD didn’t say that about water. HE didn’t say that about plants. HE didn’t say it even about animals. only about man did HE say, let US make man in OUR image.

now one key in this passage to understanding our place in GOD’s creation is that we were created to reflect GOD’s image. that’s what you and i were made for – to reflect GOD’s image. the first thing said about us in all the bible is let US make man in OUR image. and it’s might be the most amazing thing that’s said. let US make man in OUR image, in OUR likeness.

now what’s the difference between image and likeness? image has the idea of a shadow that’s cast. likeness has the idea of something that you see, a reflection that you see. if you think about it, what GOD’s saying here is image is the impression that’s made, likeness is the impression that’s seen. it’s like if i put a stamp on a letter. when i make that impression i can see it. when i send it to somebody else, they can see it. HE wants both in our lives. HE wants to put HIS image into our lives. HE did it from the beginning and HE wants to do it now. HE also wants to show HIS image to the world. so HE’s created us in HIS image, in HIS likeness.

starting with the last part of verse 27 (niv), male and female, HE created them. and GOD blessed them and said to them, “be fruitful and increase in number and fill the earth and subdue it.” some people have said that’s the only command of GOD that mankind has ever really fulfilled. “rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground.” we were created to reflect GOD’s image.

just a thought from the front porch…

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