Thursday, December 16, 2010

i’ve got good news…

some of you, i believe, are really struggling with this problem of depression. there are so many things happening in your life. some days maybe you don't even feel like getting out of bed. some days you feel like you can't make any decisions; it's just too difficult. you can't decide on anything. some days you just feel trapped in a hopeless situation. it's like you're in a room with no doors and no windows and you're locked inside. you're constantly tired. you don't have any energy. you're fatigued. it's a chore to get out of bed and turn on the tv. some of you may even feel like elijah. you feel like running away. you want to drop it all, leave, split. get out of the situation.

i've got good news for you. JESUS CHRIST wants to answer your depression. HE will help you. HE will change you. you're not alone. GOD cares about you. i care about you. GOD says “you can change.”

i speak from personal experience. i've experienced depression and the deepest despair. there were times i didn't think i would make it another hour. i can tell you that JESUS CHRIST can heal you of depression. you don't have to go through life being manipulated by your emotions. your emotions are controlled by your thoughts. you cannot control your emotions but you can control what you think about. if you choose to change your thoughts and you choose to let GOD change the misconceptions – misconceptions like if somebody criticizes me, that must mean i'm worthless, misconceptions like i have to be loved and accepted by everybody to be fulfilled in life, misconceptions like i cannot admit any area of weakness. i have to be perfect, otherwise i'm a failure. those are the kind of things that cause depression.

just a thought from the front porch…

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