Wednesday, December 15, 2010

you blew it? big deal!…

let GOD give you a new purpose and a new direction for your life. 1 kings 19.15 (niv), the LORD came to elijah and said, “go back the way you came and go to the desert of damascus and when you get there here's what I want you to do.” HE said, “i want you to anoint ... this king, that king.” GOD gave him a new assignment. HE put him back to work.

the quickest way to defeat depression is to quit sitting around in self-pity, get your eyes off yourself and start looking at the needs of other people. get involved in their lives and get a ministry where you are giving out and GOD is giving to you. when you're looking at yourself, you're going to get discouraged. JESUS said, “lose your life to find it.” get involved in helping others.

GOD gave elijah a new job. HE said, “i'm not through with you and the job that I’m giving you is going to help people.” when you're depressed we think, “how can GOD ever use me? i am such a failure. i keep blowing it. i keep making mistakes. i discourage myself. i disappoint myself. surely i must be disappointing to GOD.”

listen. you can never disappoint GOD. why? because disappointment can only happen when somebody expects you to do something else. the fact is, GOD knows everything about you. the bible says, HE knows we're human. HE made us. the psalms says, “HE knows our frame. it is dust.” HE knows what makes us tick.

let GOD give you a new purpose and a new direction. HE's not through with you. so you blew it? big deal! GOD will pick you up and start you over. one mistake does not make you useless the rest of your life.

just a thought from the front porch…

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Great encouragement Bill ... and it isn't about us or our abilities or skills anyway, but God's ability to work in and through us. Life in His kingdom is much different than this world. God uses our mistakes, mishaps, and weakness because in them we are ever more dependent on Him and that is exactly where He wants us to be.
