some people think that doubt is unforgivable. but it’s not. actually, GOD doesn’t condemn us when we question HIM. a great biblical example of this is john the baptist. if anybody in history should have been absolutely sure who JESUS is, it would have been john the baptist. he’s the guy who pointed at JESUS and said, behold the LAMB of GOD who takes away the sin of the world. this is the guy who baptized JESUS and he saw the heavens open up and heard the voice of GOD say, this is MY SON in whom I'm well pleased. this is the guy who pointed at JESUS CHRIST and said, i have seen and i testify that this is the SON of GOD.
he had incredible faith. but something happens. he gets arrested and gets thrown into jail. there he comes down with the virus of doubt. now he’s not so sure. “is JESUS really who he claims to be? or should we be looking for someone else?” so to resolve this he sends two of his friends to go check JESUS out and ask him point blank, “are YOU the MESSIAH? are YOU the ONE we’ve been waiting for to rescue the world? or should we look elsewhere?” so his two friends go. they track JESUS down and they ask JESUS that question.
now it’s very interesting the reaction of JESUS. does JESUS say, “what is wrong with john? the idiot! if anybody should know who I am, it’s john!” does HE criticize him, does HE slam-dunk him, does HE disqualify him from any role in the kingdom of GOD? no. the bible says in luke 7.22 (nkjv) , JESUS answered and said to them, “go and tell john the things you have seen and heard: that the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, the poor have the gospel preached to them.” in other words, JESUS is saying, “go back and tell john about these evidences you have seen with your own eyes that authenticate MY claim to being the one and only SON of GOD and that will renew his confidence and will bolster back up his faith.”
so how does this affect JESUS’ opinion of john? does HE now think that john is worthless and could do no good for the kingdom of GOD any more? no. it is after this episode JESUS gets up one day and looks the people in the eye and says, I say to you, among those born of women there is no one greater than john. john had doubted. JESUS is giving john the highest compliment in the world at the very same time, john has questions and concerns and doubts.
and i think the lesson for us is when you have questions and concerns and when you have doubts, GOD does not slam-dunk you. HE wants to dialogue with you.
that’s not to say that doubt is praiseworthy. the bible never says that. but it does say, i think, that in any relationship, we want honesty. your relationship to your spouse, if you’re married, or with your parents you just want honesty. that’s what GOD wants with us. in our relationship with HIM, HE wants us to be honest about, these are the doubts i have, these are the questions i have, this is what i wrestle with, this the area that i am struggling with.
and there’s confidence that HE’s not going to turn his back and walk the other way and be disgusted by that. but HE’s going to reach out to you and say, “let me help you come to resolution and bolster your faith just as I bolstered the faith of john the baptist.”
just a thought from the front porch…
1 comment:
I've had storms of doubt before, some were so obvious that even my friends noticed!
Thanks for sharing Bill.
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