Wednesday, April 20, 2011

when we are waiting on GOD to act…

some of you’ve been praying about something and it hasn’t happened yet.  and it is easy to start to think that GOD has forgotten you.  but GOD has not forgotten you.  HE knows what you’re going through.  it is a delay by design.  GOD wants to build your character and HE wants you to learn to trust in HIM.  you can count on HIM for HIS help.  don’t fear and then don’t fret.

now fret means worry.  so don’t get worried.  don’t get uptight.  don’t complain.  we do that when we get into delays.  we worry, get uptight, get stressed out, start griping.  this was the second response of the israelites headed into the promise land. 

numbers 21.4-5 (tev), on the way the people lost their patience and spoke against GOD and moses.  they complained. 

this is typical of people, but this was the sin that kept them out of the promised land.  they just griped all the time, no matter what GOD had done for them – the ten plagues, the opening of the red sea.  they complained about the journey, the delay, the leadership, no water – then GOD provided them water.  then they complained about no food – and GOD provided them food.  then they complained about the food they got.  it’s so easy to gripe when we’re forced to wait.  we don’t mind waiting if we can complain about it. 

robert livine in a wonderful book called a geography of time, suggests the creation of a new unite of time called the honko-second – “the time between when the light changes and the person behind you honks the horn.”

but GOD says don’t fret, don’t worry, don’t get uptight about it. 

when we really grumble is when we’re waiting for GOD to act.  we get in a hurry.  proverbs 19.2 (tev), impatience will get you into trouble.  when we try to take matters into our own hands we get in trouble.  we try to help GOD out.  it’s frustrating to be in a hurry and GOD isn’t.  GOD is never in a hurry.  the bible says with HIM, a day is like a thousand years and a thousand years like a day.  HE’s larger than time.  one of the most useless things to try to do is to speed up GOD. 

i read of an economist who read these words and got excited.
“LORD – is it true that a thousand years for us is just like a minute to YOU?”
            “then a million dollars to us must be a penny to you.”
            “LORD would you give me one of those pennies?”
            “all right.  wait a minute.”

just a thought from the front porch…

1 comment:

Richard Hobart said...

Your blog is very applicable to my situation in life. I know our Lord Jesus led me to it. Thank you brother.
Hello, my name is Richard Hobart and I am a Christian internet marketer trying to replace my income by blogging. This is a great post, please stop by my blog