Friday, July 29, 2011

the difference between forgiveness and trust…

i want to challenge you to develop a reputation wherever you work for the person who shows mercy.  i don’t think CHRISTians should be known for what we’re against: “they’re against that and that and that and that…” i think CHRISTians should be known for our mercy.  “he’s the most forgiving person in the office…  she’s the most merciful person at our worksite.” 

job was famous for his mercy.  he had a friend named eliphaz who said this about him.  job 4:4a (gw), when someone stumbled you lifted him up with your words.  i love that!  isn’t that great?  you lifted him up with your words.  as a retired pastor i’m very keenly aware of the power of our words.  you can build people up or you can tear them down.  it says you lifted them up.

how do you do that?  when someone makes a mistake, when someone blows it, when someone sins around you how do you lift them up with your words?  you don’t rub it in rub it out.  that’s the way you lift people up with your words.  you don’t rub it in: “that was stupid!  what were you thinking when you did that?  you idiot!” no, you don’t rub it in, you rub it out. 

another thing, you help them focus on what’s left not what’s lost.  when people make a mistake they always lose something.  so you help them focus on what’s left not what’s lost.  that is showing mercy to people.  when people blow it they don’t need a sermon.  they need mercy.  that’s one of the ways you can bless people.

some of you have a hard time doing this because you don’t know the difference between forgiveness and trust.  they are not the same thing.  you are called to forgive people immediately whether they ask for it or not.  in fact, if you are a CHRISTian you have to forgive people.  it’s not optional for you.  if you claim to be a believer, if you claim to be a follower of JESUS CHRIST, you have to forgive them.  but that doesn’t mean you continue to let them do what they are doing.

for instance, if you’re in a home situation and someone has been abusing you, you have to forgive them so you don’t hold on to resentment and grudge.  but you don’t have to let them continue to abuse you.  trust is different.  trust is built over time with a track record.  you earn trust.  forgiveness is grace.  trust is earned.  that’s why people misunderstand.  for instance, when a leader blows it or sins in a major way then somebody will say, “why would we remove him from office?  shouldn’t he be forgiven?”  yes!  forgiveness is immediate and demanded and instant.  but trust must be rebuilt over time.  you forgive them but that doesn’t mean they stay in leadership.  they have to earn the trust again because all leadership is built on trust.

so you learn to be forgiving immediately and instantly so you don’t hold on to a grudge. 

just a thought from the front porch…

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