Wednesday, July 6, 2011

solving or surviving our setbacks...

it’s important in life to see the difference between solving our setbacks and surviving our setbacks. 

you’re not going to solve all your setbacks.  you’re going to have some setbacks in life that you’re not going to solve.  joseph apparently never solved this setback of the unjust accusation that was brought against him.  he could have spent the energy of the rest of his life trying to solve that saying, “i was unjustly accused!  it wasn’t right!  i'm going to fight with all my might to make sure everybody knows that!”  but he doesn’t do that.  he survives his setbacks.  instead of allowing that setback to govern the rest of his life he survived it and moved on. 

you and i are going to face some setbacks that we’ll never solve in this world.  they’re waiting for the next world for GOD to bring about HIS justice.  the truth is, when it comes to GOD-given dreams, many of us have a mental finger pointing at something, some one in our life that’s keeping that dream from coming about.  it’s a setback.  it’s something that happened.  we’re saying, “until that’s solved i can’t go on to accomplish GOD’s dream…  until they come to me and ask forgiveness for what they did, i can’t go on to accomplish GOD’s dream…. until GOD comes to me and explains to me exactly why HE allowed that circumstance to happen in my life, i can’t go on.  HE’s got to do that first.  until i understand why CHRIStians act like they do sometimes i can’t go on.” 

survive the setbacks.  determine to go on.  stop letting them steal GOD’s dream for your life. 

joseph could have spent the rest of his life mad at potiphar and his wife.  but because of GOD’s grace within him he recognized, “GOD’s still with me even with what they’ve done to me.”  even with what they’ve done to you, GOD’s still with you.  they can’t take away GOD’s presence.  they can’t take away GOD’s dream.  i wish we could solve all the setbacks while we’re in this world.  we can solve some but there will be many that we don’t.  stop letting someone else steal GOD’s dream for your life

as we think about the life of joseph and what he talks about waiting for a dream and how dreams are tested and how we get dreams in our lives, i want us to remind ourselves once again that JESUS was born into this world to say to us loudly and clearly, “i intend to accomplish those dreams, GOD’s dreams in your life.”  HE couldn’t have spoken more loudly than that.  i intend to allow those dreams to come true.  those dreams of healing, those dreams of change, those dreams of a world that GOD is at work in.  GOD came to this world to say to you and i that HE wants to be at work in this world through us.  that’s the dream.

just a thought from the front porch…

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