Tuesday, July 5, 2011

what makes a great dreamer...

here in genesis 39 there are two key truths that show us how joseph was able to survive the setback.

1.   again and again we see that the LORD was with joseph and

2.   joseph was with the LORD.  joseph continued to trust in GOD, to say no to temptation because the eyes of GOD were upon him.  he tried to be faithful to GOD even in difficult situations. 

two things you and i need to remember.  some of you the reason you came to the front porch today was to hear these two things.  that’s why GOD brought you here. 

remember you will never find a place as a believer in CHRIST, where the LORD will not be with you.  never.  this isn’t just in the old testament.  you can pick up a new testament and turn it to romans 8, the last couple of verses where paul says, i’m convinced that neither death nor life nor angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing shall be able to separate us from the love of GOD which is in CHRIST JESUS our LORD.

nothing can separate us from HIS love.  you can never find a place where GOD won’t be with you. 

two, you and i as believers, we’ll never discover a place where faithfulness is impossible.  never. 

that’s the real truth of joseph's life.  he was faithful in his father’s house.  he was faithful in potiphar’s house.  he was faithful as a son.  he was faithful as a slave and then as a prisoner.  he had learned the secret of being faithful to his commitments no matter what.  that’s what makes a great dreamer.  that’s what makes a great GOD-given dream. 

just a thought from the front porch…

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