Tuesday, July 12, 2011

who get’s top billing?...

joseph didn’t miss GOD’s opportunity when it came because of the kind of faith he had, the kind of wisdom that he had.  and the kind of humility he had. 

genesis 41.16 (ncv),  joseph answered the king, “i am not able to explain the meaning of dreams, but GOD will do this for the king.”

he had the humility to recognize the source of his dreams.  he is able to say, “i can’t do it but GOD will.”  would you be able to do that?  the greatest opportunity you’ve ever had and guess who gets the credit?  GOD.  that’s what it means to be a person of faith, giving GOD top billing in our lives. 

samuel morris invented the morris code and changed the way we communicated in this country but he was also a believer.  he said about his invention of the telegraph.  “i’ve made a valuable application of electricity not because i was superior to other men but solely because GOD, who meant it for mankind, had to reveal it to someone and HE was pleased to reveal it to me.”  that’s somebody with a healthy self-image i think, somebody who realizes, “GOD wanted to use me.”  he doesn’t deny the fact that GOD used him but he also realized that GOD was revealing it to him.

that CHRISTmas song we sing, “o little town of bethlehem” was written by a preacher by the name of phillip brooks.  he had this to say about humility, “humility is not stooping so low trying to make ourselves smaller than ourselves.  true humility is standing at our full height up against the greatness of the almighty GOD comparing ourselves to HIM.  when you do that you experience true humility.” 

don’t buy into the world’s brand of humility that says you have to make yourselves smaller.  just make GOD greater.  that’s the road to humility in our lives and joseph had it.  because he made GOD greatest throughout his life. 

just a thought from the front porch…

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