Monday, October 24, 2011

it is always better…

GOD’s plan for your life is always better.  when you cooperate with GOD’s plan for your life you can relax and you can stop being overwhelmed.

GOD looks at your life from an eternal perspective, not just the here and now.  GOD will always sacrifice short-term comfort in your life in order to gain long term glory in your life.  GOD will sacrifice short-term comfort in order to build character in your life that’s going to bless you for eternity.  GOD is not interested in making you comfortable.  GOD is interested in preparing you for eternity where you’re going to spend gazillions of years.  HE knows what’s best and HE knows what’s good and HE loves you.  that’s why being overwhelmed can actually be good for you.  it throws you to your knees saying, “GOD, i’m going to have to depend on you.”  and GOD says, “that’s exactly where I want you!

just a thought from the front porch…


Kola said...

WOW! this is so spot on. i think i should come sit on your front porch more often. things really come into perspective when we look at everything in the context of eternity. thanks Bill! :)

Bill Williams said...

thanks for dropping by, kola and thanks for the comment. you are always welcome here on the porch.