Wednesday, February 22, 2012

how to pray effectively…

james mentions in his book some conditions for praying effectively.

one condition is i must ask. 

that sounds simple but in a lot of our prayers we never ask for anything.  we say “thank you for...” and “bless...” and that's it.  we never pray specifically. 

the more specific your prayers are the greater you’re going to be blessed in the answer.  james says in 4.2 (niv), you do not have because you do not ask GOD.  be specific. 

throw away all your cliches.  i love to hear new CHRISTians pray because they don’t know all the language, and they’re so honest.  it’s refreshing.  do you ever listen to your kids pray?  they say the most honest and genuine things that are really meaningful.

another condition is to have the right motive.

james 4.3 (niv),when you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with the wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.  if you’re going to ask in prayer, make sure your motives are right.  not for selfishness but for a genuine reason – the glory of GOD or another way to say that is to make GOD look good.

just a thought from the front porch

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