Saturday, March 10, 2012

HE will meet my deepest needs…

we are looking at the LORD’s prayer and right after addressing GOD as FATHER JESUS says, first thing say honored be GOD’s name – right up there at the beginning.  before you even make all of your requests, recognize who GOD really is. 

now you might ask how does honoring GOD’s name make a difference in our everyday lives?  how does it bring peace in this stress filled life that we live?   

well GOD has hundreds of names in the bible.  and we are going to look at what happens when we recognize GOD’s name for what it really means.  what happens?  what does it mean?

honoring GOD’s name means i acknowledge that GOD is able to meet my deepest needs. 

now in studying the old testament you find that GOD has many different names and the amazing thing about GOD’s names is that for each of them there is a need in our lives.  we did a series on this  on the front porch. GOD’s names show us how HE can meet the deepest needs in our life. 

for instance, in the old testament, GOD has a name jehovah shalom which means “the LORD is peace.”  that name tells us what GOD wants to do in our lives.  that GOD wants to reduce my stress in life. 

JESUS talked about that in john 14.27 (ncv) when he said, MY peace i give you. I do not give it to you as the world does.  so don’t let your hearts be troubled or afraid.” 

now the difference between the world’s kind of peace and GOD’s peace is this.  the world’s peace is based on circumstances, on the circumstances that are good sometimes and bad others.  so some days you’re at peace and some days you’re in anxiety. 

but GOD’s peace is based on GOD’s character.  GOD’s peace is always there because his character never changes.  GOD’s name – jehovah shalom – reminds us that GOD wants to meet that need in our lives.

just a thought from the front porch… 

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