Monday, March 12, 2012

set things right and heal your hurts…

in looking at the names of GOD HE has another name in the old testament, JEHOVAH tsidkenu.  (if you ever have to read words like this just say it any way you want.  nobody knows if you’re right or wrong anyway.  just say it with authority like you know what you’re talking about and everybody will go, “oh, that’s the way you say that.”) 

that’s the name that means the LORD my righteousness. 

“righteousness” just means setting things right.  GOD is the one who wants to set thing right.  to make wrong things right.  GOD wants to forgive my faults.  HE wants to forgive the greatest faults in your life. 

anything wrong in your life?  GOD wants to set it right.  any guilt in your life where you feel “i can’t live with this guilt!”  GOD wants to forgive that sin and HE wants to cleanse you, heal you of that guilt on life.  GOD’s name tells you HE can meet that need in life. 

GOD has another name.  JEHOVAH rophe.  that mean, the LORD is my healer.  that reminds us that GOD wants to heal my hurt. 

the deepest hurts in life are not physical.  they’re emotional.  they’re relational.  you may have had an emotional or relational hurt in your life this very week.  or there may be one you’ve been living with a long time. 

wherever that hurt came from, whenever that came into your life, GOD wants to heal that hurt.  GOD sees and GOD cares and GOD wants to help you begin again.  GOD can do in your life what no one else can do. 
just a thought from the front porch…

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