Friday, March 16, 2012

if HE knows then why do I need to ask?

the fact is GOD knows what you need before you ask. 

there’s a logical question that goes along with that.  if GOD knows what i need before i ask why doesn’t HE just give it to me right now before i even ask? 

listen, prayer is not informing GOD of your need.  HE already knows about your need.  prayer is not informing GOD of your need.  it’s depending on GOD for that need. 

it’s saying, “this time, with this decision, with this need in my life instead of depending on myself, doing it my way, figuring out how i want to do it, GOD, i’m depending on you.  you show me how.  you show me what i need to do.  you show me what steps i need to take.  you show me where i need to wait and where i need to work.  you show me.  i’m depending on you.”

before we go to the next phrase in the LORD’s prayer let me ask you, what’s the greatest need in your life?  now you don’t need to tell me.  you can if you want to.  if you do tell me i can be as sympathetic as i can be but i can’t really meet that need.  i may love you and want to really meet that need but i can’t, GOD is the only one who can meet it and you need to recognize that fact today. 

just a thought from the front porch…

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