Tuesday, March 13, 2012

HE enjoys meeting the needs of HIS children…

we are looking here at the phrase in the LORD’s prayer, hallowed be YOUr name or honored be GOD’s name.  now we are looking a many of the different names in the bible of GOD and how each name corresponds to a need that we may have.

now when you think about honoring GOD’s name, don’t forget the one at the beginning of the LORD’s prayer.  our FATHER.  FATHER is one of GOD’s names.  one of the ways you and i honor GOD’s name is by acting like HE is our FATHER.

those of you who are parents.  suppose you’re driving home and one of your kids – let’s say they’re eight – you find your kid setting out on the street corner and they have a sign scrawled in crayon that says, “will work for food.” 

how would you feel as a parent, driving past that?  you’d stop and go, “what are you doing?!?”  and they’d look up at you and say, “you’ve taken care of me for eight years now.  i figure i’m on my own now.” 

that’s crazy.  you’d say, “get back in the house!  first of all you’re embarrassing me being out here.  and secondly, i want to take care of you.  it’s my job.  i like to take care of you.  i like to meet the needs in your life.  it’s what i’m supposed to do.”  

GOD enjoys meeting the needs of HIS children.  HE enjoys meeting your need.  HE desires to meet your need.  and you and i honor GOD’s name when we realize HE wants to be our FATHER and meet our needs. 

look at what the bible has to say about GOD’s heart towards us.  psalm 79.8 (tlb), let your tenderhearted mercies meet our needs.

did you know that GOD has a tender heart towards you?  and because of that tender heart, HE wants to meet the needs of your life. 

HE is our FATHER. 

the bible tells us in philippians 4.19 (nirv), GOD will meet all your needs. HE will meet them in keeping with HIS wonderful riches that come to you because you belong to CHRIST JESUS.

i have to admit, it doesn’t say HE will meet all of our greed.  but he will meet all of our needs.  everything we need in life, GOD will meet those needs.  that is HIS promise.  why does he do it?  because HE’s our FATHER.  because HE loves us.

just a thought from the front porch…

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