Thursday, July 19, 2012

a way you can trust GOD…

here is a way you can trust GOD every moment.

don’t panic – pray.  those are your alternatives – panic or prayer.  in philippians 4.6-7 (niv) it says don't worry about anything, instead, pray about everything.  if it isn’t worth praying about, it isn’t worth worrying about.  don’t panic – pray.

1 peter 5.7 (niv), cast all your anxiety on HIM because HE cares for you.  the word “cast” in the greek literally means “to let go, to drop”.  it doesn’t mean i pick up my load and toss it as far as i can.  sometimes your load is so big, you couldn’t toss it five feet. literally it means “drop, let go, release.”  just let it drop and they’ll fall to your feet. 

he’s saying give your worries to the LORD.  but the problem is we become indian givers.  we give them to GOD and then we take them back – “LORD, i think i’ll worry about that a little bit more.”  i used to do that all the time.  i’d get in bed and start worrying about something and think, “this is crazy!  this is stupid!  my worrying is not solving the problem. it’s just a slow form of suicide and it’s keeping me awake. there’s no use worrying about it.”  i’d get out of bed, get on my knees and pray, “GOD, i give you this problem.  i cast my cares upon YOU.  it’s YOUr’s.”  i’d get back into bed, pull up the covers and then start worrying again.  i was an indian giver.  i was giving them and then taking them back. 

how do you overcome worry?  simple.  put GOD first in every area of your life.  until you do, you have mixed up priorities and you’re going to be victimized by anxiety.  your values aren’t right.  GOD says, in the ten commandments, thou shalt have no other gods before ME.  what is your god?  your job?  your winnebago?  your family?  yourself?  your bank account?  thou shalt have no other gods before ME.  when i put HIM first, all these other things will be brought in the proper perspective. 

i live one day at a time.  i trust GOD for things beyond my control.

just a thought from the front porch…  

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