you’re having trouble living relaxed in GOD’s grace why not pray something like
help me to relax in YOUr grace, to realize that YOU don’t expect perfection, YOU
know what i’m made of, that there is no condemnation in CHRIST, that YOU’ll
never love me any more and never love me any less because of what i do. i want to walk in grace. i want to take off the yoke of guilt and put
on the yoke of grace today.”

pray, “LORD, help me to eliminate the negative self talk in my life. help me to really see that when i put myself
down i really am questioning YOU, because YOU made me the way that i am, the
way i look, with the talents and abilities i have and don’t have. YOU made me just to be me. help me to focus my mind on the positive
things and to read my bible every day and memorize it and meditate on it. not so YOU’ll think that i’m nice or good,
not to change YOUr opinion of me, but to change my opinion of YOU. as i read it, i’ll understand how much YOU love
help me to quit trying to please everybody.
i know it’s an impossible task and it only causes anxiety in my
life. instead, let me focus only on
doing YOUr will and knowing if it’s YOUr plan and purpose for my life and i’m
obeying what YOU’ve told me to do, it doesn’t matter what others think. i relax in your grace.”
thank YOU,
FATHER, that through YOUr grace we can get off the rat race of unresolved guilt
and unrealistic expectations – those things that push us to do more, that make
our bodies so tired. instead, may we
relax and do the things that really count.
time with YOU and the time with other CHRISTians and the time with our
families. in JESUS’ name. amen.
just a
thought from the front porch…
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